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(1 edit)

This is Fine. No Running Animation or TV. But Why The Cheeseslimes Attack You? Used Sprites For The Wikipeida but good. 7/10

i don't want to play this game anymore!

that's bad

you can't even double jump or pause!

with no mach speed the game sucks

its unplayable:(


Where did you got the sprites


I would say this is trash but you are probably a begginer and I am too so keep up the good work.

I'm not really a beginner when it comes to making games, I'm just a beginner with Construct 3.

oh... I am too can you check out my game cause Im having a really hard time with it (it will also release onm july 4)


cheeslimes don't hurt the player in pizza tower

(1 edit)

I know but since I was in need of some sort of enemy at least that did damage, I chose cheeslimes and forknights. Also this project I may stop working on, it's tiring and Construct 3 heavily limits me.

you could have just added fencers instead of cheeseslimes

did in pre alpha

pizza tower but bad


I do have a question if you have spare time. When will the other controls be added? And this is a very good fan game so far! I look forward to future updates!

Soon, I am working hard on it whenever I can. But as of now I am taking a small break from Construct 3 to update other games like Kate's Latex Home and more.

this is harder than all of pizza tower (including builds and other fanmades)

That's because it's buggy, I will try to fix it.

okey but also put this first version open source so persons makes even harder versions

They can go ahead, I don't mind.


It's just buggy.